
You are invited to join our community on Facebook. If you are a Facebook user, you will be able to post your own news. Or if you are a Ravelry user, you can join our group there. If you have tips, extra yarn or fabric or a cool experience in the making of your blanket that you want to share, you are invited to share with fellow blanket makers.

If you are not a Facebook user and would rather not sign up, please send your comments, ideas, stories and experience to: Ann Morton at so that you can be a part of this wonderful and growing group of generous volunteers!

Click here for a list of the agencies who were the recipients of our blankets.

Below are some useful links for more related information.
(To return to the Ground Cover website, click on your brower's back button.)



Lodestar Day Resource Center

National Homeless Shelter Directory

Maricopa County
Human Services Campus

City of Phoenix
Office of Arts
and Culture

National Endowment
for the Arts
Our Town Initiative



"Ground Cover" is a public art project created by Phoenix artist Ann Morton and was commissioned by the City of Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture Public Art Program.
Ground Cover is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts Our Town grant.

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© Ann Morton, 2013